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Small and Independent: the Spirit of Our Craft Beer


For many, beer is more than just what’s in the bottle. Playing a vital role are the people who brew it and own the brewery.

At Engrained, our craft beer is brewed by people who care about quality - that’s why our bottles are designated by a unique mark called the Craft Beer Seal of Independence.

So what exactly is craft beer?

The Brewers Association defines an “American craft brewer” as a brewer that is small and independent.

Why is this important?

Size matters. More than 7,000 breweries produce 13 percent of the beer volume in the U.S. (while just over 100 breweries produce the other 87 percent). This means brewers are providing tremendous economic impact across the country!

Craft beer has become synchronous with community: we are creating jobs and supporting the local small businesses we partner with for services and goods. Those dollars are reinvested into the community to grow businesses, support our employees’ needs and passions, and fund nonprofit and community efforts.

Independence matters. The hallmark of craft beer and craft brewers is innovation. And we innovate on our own terms, constantly creating new and interesting beer with flavor.

We are proud to answer only to our most loyal fans, working hard every day to serve great beer and enhance people’s lives and our communities.

And because the lines are starting to blur due to the purchase of many independent craft breweries by mega beer brands, it has become that much more important to have a symbol consumers can see to quickly identify which brands truly are small and independent.

Gaining the Seal of Approval

To proudly display the independent spirit of craft brewers, the Brewers Association created a symbol to unify U.S. craft breweries and those who want to support them.

The Craft Beer Seal of Independence was launched in June 2017 as a way to help beer lovers identify the breweries who fit the craft brewer definition. Engrained was one of more than 400 U.S. craft breweries that signed up the first month!

This yellow designation from the Brewers Association captures the spirit of what small, independent craft brewers have achieved - and when you see it on our bottles, packaged beer, website and around our restaurant, you can know what Engrained stands for.

Want to see more craft beer from around the country? Check out the #SeektheSeal hashtag on Instagram. (Then be sure to follow Engrained too.)

Cheers to craft beers!

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1120 West Lincolnshire Blvd

Springfield, IL 62711

(217) 546-3054


Tue, 12/24 - Christmas Eve - CLOSED

Wed, 12/25 - Christmas - CLOSED

Wed, 1/1 - New Years Day - CLOSED

Sun, 1/5 - Employee Party - CLOSING Early at 4:00 PM, Open For Lunch (11 - 4)

Regular Hours:

4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Monday & Tuesday (Dinner Only)

11:00AM - 9:00 PM Wednesday through Saturday

11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Sunday



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